At my old school I used to love playing pod sport every Fridays. The games I was good at and loved playing, was BenchBall, Netball, Soccer and BasketBall. There were 4 kinds of houses there were Scorpious, Eclipse, Galaxy and Orion. The house that I was in, was Galaxy that was the house that won the most points. Last term, at R.N.S Galaxy won at having the most points, and got pizza on the last day of term 3. At R.N.S school my favourite sports teacher was called Mrs Laiatauia. My teacher was called Ms Chapman-Smith. Now I have come back to Pt England School where there is now intermadiate. The class that I'm in is in room 19 with Ms Tito. When I came back to Pt England I was A little bit shy to be back at P.E.S.
The boy on the left on the photo at the top is Prashant Prasad the Deputy head boy and Liana Gafa the head girl.